Do you have a typical image of how a kindergarten looks like? It’s time to make a change! You need a kindergarten renovation! In the public’s common perceptions, designing spaces for children and kids is closely associated with colourful elements and that seems...
The Reggio Emilia Approach to early childhood education acknowledges the great impact of the environment on children by referring to it as the “third teacher” as the parents and teachers are the children’s first and second teachers respectively. Hence, preschool...
A kindergarten design layout is always much harder as it requires a lot of considerations because the customers will be the children. We have to pay extra attention to details because the children’s safety is the first and foremost concern in the kindergarten...
Let’s face it, designing the preschool layout is not easy. The childcare design layout does not have the same requirements as adults do. As stated in our previous article, a preschool needs to consider the height of the overall interiors, color usage, noise...