6 Important Preschool Toilet Safety Tips You Can’t Ignore

by | Jan 9, 2023 | preschool renovation

Things can go bad in a place full of kids if you don’t keep an eye on them. They may fall and bump into things. Preschool toilet safety is something you don’t want to miss out on. It can be a bit handful, and you will want to create a little more child-friendly surrounding.

You will be spending an amount of time in the toilet. Especially children may spend a little bit more time there as they may not be able to control themselves too much. It is one of the places where accidents will happen often. You will want to look out for sharp objects, but there are other things you should look out for.

Slips and falls will also make things nasty, and making your preschool toilet as slip-free as possible is also a top priority. You wouldn’t want to find yourself in trouble or cause the kids to get injured. So what preschool toilet safety tips do you need to look out for? We will go into detail in this article.


Water Accidents in the Preschool Toilet


Preschool Toilet Safety

Image Credit: Irish Examiner


Water accidents are one of the accidents that always happen in a toilet. Young children can be ignorant about how heavy the things are in the toilet and can’t fathom how their imagination could cause severe injuries if they did it in the toilet.

When children find out about the consequences, it is often too late. It is no laughing matter when we talk about preschool toilet safety. Water is wet, and soap is slippery. They will end up bumping their heads, burning themselves, or even drowning. It is a grave thought to consider, but it is definitely possible to happen.

There are ways to keep them away from water accidents, such as not leaving them alone in the toilet. Keep the toilet lids down and install child-safety locks so that you can keep children from toppling in. Keep any electrical appliances away from the sink. Consider installing child-proof tub knows to prevent children from turning on the water without supervision. Below are some preschool toilet safety tips you can consider as you renovate your preschool toilet.


Preschool Toilet Safety Tips #1 – Redoing the Hardware


Preschool Toilet Safety


Toilets are one of the places which can be dangerous for young children. Ensure that your preschool toilet door has a sturdy latch that the children can’t open easily. When considering the height of the latch, make sure that it is fixed at a height the children can’t reach.

Normally, children can be quite hyperactive and playful. You wouldn’t know what they will do in the toilet and end up hurting themselves. Faucets and taps are made of metal and can cause serious injury if they bump against it. So ensure that the taps and faucets are at a good height.


Preschool Toilet Safety Tips #2 – Paddling


Preschool Toilet Safety

Image Credit: Pinterest


Young children will often bump into things and may even trip on things. So you will want to make sure that any sharp edges in your preschool toilet are covered to avoid accidents. You can find many padding materials in the market to cover and conceal the sharp and rough edges of the bathroom.

You can even use a thin layer of sponge and stick to sharp objects that could hurt young children. Consider painting the rough edges to smooth them out, which will help keep the children safe.




Preschool Toilet Safety Tips #3 – Keep Electronics Things Out of Reach


Preschool Toilet Safety


Electricity and water can be a dangerous combination, and electronic items such as dryers or razors can be extremely hazardous in a preschool toilet. Children normally wouldn’t have all this electronic stuff, but what about your employees?

Make sure that the electronic gadgets are unplugged and way beyond the children’s reach, as people tend to leave their gadgets unattended. Remind your employee if they are using any. You wouldn’t want the children to play with it in the toilet.

If your employees are leaving their electronic stuff in the building, ensure that they keep it in a safe place where the children can’t take it. Besides that, remind them to put it away immediately after use.


Preschool Toilet Safety Tips #4 – Install Anti-scalding Devices


Preschool Toilet Safety

Death by scalding is another possible accident that will happen in a toilet. One of the preschool toilet safety tips is that you should ensure that the water temperature isn’t too high and don’t get it beyond 120 degrees F. You can consider installing scald guards in faucets to monitor the water temperature. It will let you know if the water is getting too hot.

Besides, there are also anti-scalding devices that you can install on taps. This device can automatically turn off the water if the temperature gets too high. You can find a range of anti-scalding gadgets in the market, which can help reduce the possibility of children getting scalded.


Preschool Toilet Safety Tips #5 – Invest in High-Rise Shelves and Cabinets


Video Credit: Club House Kids


You will need to use things in the toilet, such as floor cleaner, toilet cleaners, and electronic gadgets, but you will want to keep them away from the children at the same time. These things can be like treasure-hunting moments for the children.

Those beautiful pictures and sleek designs on the cleaner bottle can be attractive to the children, and they may be tempted to give it a cry or drink it out of curiosity. You wouldn’t want that to happen. Install high-rise shelves and cabinets which is out of the children’s reach, and you can store the stuff safely in the cabinet without any worries.


Preschool Toilet Safety Tips #6 – Use Rubber Bumpers on Sharp Counter Corners


6 Important Preschool Toilet Safety Tips You Can'T Ignore


Children can be hyperactive, especially when there are so many companions around them. Any place can become a playground for them, including the toilet. They may slip and bump into things that have sharp edges, such as sharp counter corners.

Countertops in the toilet usually will have sharp corners. It can be very dangerous for young children, especially those who love running around. You wouldn’t want them to bump into sharp corners, so install rubber bumpers on the sharp counter corner. It can prevent them from hitting and cutting their head on these sharp corners.

Here are some preschool toilet safety tips you will want to bear in mind when you are renovating your preschool toilet. Accidents can be prevented if you are more careful in designing them.





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