Preschool Outdoor Environment: 5 Exclusive Tips To Design For Learning

by | Jun 6, 2022 | preschool renovation

Most preschools will focus on learning through indoor activities, such as reading books, writing, etc. But have you ever realized children tend to learn through the preschool outdoor environment? A good preschool outdoor environment offers opportunities for the children to explore and learn.

There are many ways for you to help children to experience nature and learn through the preschool outdoor environment. The time children spend outdoors helps develop their muscles and sophisticated play skills. At the same time, they can connect to nature. Activities done in the classroom can be easily translated into your preschool outdoor environment.

You may be wondering what you can do to your preschool outdoor environment. This article will tell you how to incorporate safety, design, space, and accessibility into your preschool outdoor environment. You will want to stimulate the children’s physical, cognitive and emotional growth.


Incorporate Safety Into Your Preschool Outdoor Environment


Preschool Outdoor EnvironmentImage Credit: Canva


Safety is very important, especially when you are dealing with children. You should always evaluate your preschool outdoor environment to ensure that the space and equipment are safe and free from risk. When you want to turn your preschool outdoor environment into a learning space, you need to consider the surface as children may trip and fall, if the condition of materials and equipment injured the children, access to shade in case of change of weather, etc.

Even if fences protect your outdoor environment, there may still be potential hazardous material found in the environment. Make sure you check your preschool environment regularly before letting the children out to play. Things that you want to look out for can include:

  • Debris
  • Surfaces that are too hot or cold
  • Natural objects that might cause harm
  • Unsafe insects or plants
  • Ditches, holes, wells, and traps
  • Exposed power lines or utility equipment

Also, remember to check the temperature of the surface of the playing equipment. The equipment surface, such as metal or plastic slides, benches, and poured concrete surfaces, can change due to the weather. It can get too hot or too cold. Inspect if there is any crack on the equipment too.


Incorporate Design Into Your Preschool Outdoor Environment


Preschool Outdoor EnvironmentImage Credit: Canva


To allow the children to enjoy their time in your preschool outdoor environment, you will want to design an environment that can support their play and activities. Consider creating an interest area that you have done in your preschool indoor environment. You can include sand, games, science, nature, or quiet activities in these areas. You want to note that you should have the same intentionality as the indoor environment when designing. Your preschool outdoor environment should be able to inspire and motivate the children. At the same time, you are accommodating to their needs.

When you are designing your preschool outdoor environment, there are many things you can consider, such as a calming space, an art space, a small stage for dramatic play, a place for science, or even reading.

Outdoor is the best place to connect to nature and build up an outdoor science and nature center for the children to explore outdoors or even have a drawing area to observe nature. You may even build a reading area under the tree where they can be under a shade while enjoying their reading.




Incorporate Supporting Engagement Into Your Preschool Outdoor Environment


Preschool Outdoor EnvironmentImage Credit: Canva


Children tend to benefit from outdoor exposure to nature, open space, and experience with natural materials. They have the chance to grow and learn. You can help them by asking open-ended questions and planning activities to let them learn through nature.

It would be best if you planned how to extend the learning for the children that take place indoors to your preschool outdoor environment. Think of what the children can use as ideas, materials, or support and how to encourage them to learn in your preschool outdoor environment.

You can incorporate all types of ideas to let the children experience. You will realize the children will make some connections outside or discover new things.


Incorporate Space Into Your Preschool Outdoor Environment


Preschool Outdoor EnvironmentImage Credit: Canva


Not all the areas in your preschool’s outdoor environment are suitable. But try to make the most of your preschool outdoor environment space. You can consider using recycled materials, filling plastic rain gutters with dirt, and letting the children use them as planters. Another option you can consider is installing bird feeders or raised garden beds.

You can be creative when it comes to playing materials. Consider using open-ended play materials such as recycled cardboard boxes and milk cartons for children to use for construction. Consider placing playing equipment that can become multiple things. This allows the children to be creative.

You will also want to include equipment that allows the children to work on their gross-motor skills. This allows the children to involve their large muscle movements of the body. Allow the children to run, jump, throw and maintain balance. You don’t necessarily need fixed playground equipment. Portable equipment such as balls and bicycles can let children experience physical activities in your preschool outdoor environment.


Incorporate Accessibility Into Your Preschool Outdoor Environment


Preschool Outdoor EnvironmentImage Credit: Canva


When you are organizing your preschool outdoor environment, ensure that it is organized in a way that it can build up the children’s independence, access easily, and learning. Outdoor paths should be free from obstruction. Ensure that each play area is safe and wouldn’t disrupt another area.

There should be enough outdoor playing materials that the children wouldn’t need to wait too long. Toys such as balls and props should be placed somewhere that can be accessed easily. It will be easy for the children to take and put it back.

Always consider the needs of individual children when designing outdoor spaces. If you have children with special needs in your preschool, they may need extra support. Make certain adaptations to involve children with special needs. Children may get louder and let loose outdoors. It will be good to have a calming space.

When you are designing your preschool outdoor learning space, here are some ideas which you can start from. Children during their young age are the best time to absorb knowledge. Let them explore and learn as much as they can during their time in your preschool.




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