Add A Preschool Indoor Playground With 5 Unexpected Reasons

by | Feb 28, 2023 | preschool renovation

Preschool is a place to support child development. Besides learning from books, providing a play space allows children to learn skills beyond books. If you have limited outdoor space for a playground, implementing a preschool indoor playground can support your preschool’s goal and help the child grow.

There are many ways to create an indoor playground, and you can create it in a very attractive style to attract parents to send their children to your preschool. But it should be created in a way that is also safe and a space where children’s imagination can run wild.

You may wonder if adding an indoor playground to your preschool is necessary. It depends on the goal you set for your preschool. If you can’t decide on it, let’s go through the article and find out why you should leave a space for an indoor playground in your preschool.


What Is A Preschool Indoor Playground?


Preschool Indoor PlaygroundImage Credit: Pinterest


Most of the time, the playground we see in preschool will be outdoors. But what about a preschool indoor playground? The play equipment will be installed indoors instead of outdoors but will be slightly different from outdoors.

Indoor playgrounds tend to have more creative freedom with exciting and unique pieces. They can blend in with your preschool interior design. You can have a small area with a few sculpted foam critters to a climbing tower with interactive features. This equipment is commercially manufactured and professionally installed, which is strong and safe for children to use daily.

They can be made of soft materials. If you want extra safety, consider placing cushioned surfaces. There are different equipment for different age groups; you can decide which will fit into your preschool.


1. Preschool Indoor Playground Helps To Improve Creativity


Preschool Indoor Playground


Improving the children’s creativity is one of the reasons you should add an indoor playground in your preschool. Children can use their creativity for better problem-solving, open-minded approaches, and analytical thinking. If you have seen children playing on a playground, you would have seen how creative a child can get.

You will often see them acting out new characters and exploring the dynamics that come with them. Through these activities, children can develop their personalities by building a better sense and discovering what other children like or dislike.

For equipment such as Montessori toys, children learn to choose how they want to play and arrange it as they wish. A jungle gym can keep children engaged. With the freedom they can get to play in the indoor playground, they get to hone various new skills.


2. Preschool Indoor Playground Helps In Motor Skills


Preschool Indoor Playground


Children are highly active at a young age. Children need to develop gross motor skills, especially at a young age. They can learn hand-eye coordination and control the movement of their bodies.

There are two types of motor skills: fine motor skills and gross motor skills. Fine motor skills often rely on hand-eye coordination and manual dexterity. For example, gripping and manipulating objects. Gross motor skills must use large muscle groups and broader movements, such as walking, climbing, kicking, and jumping.

Children learn to climb and crawl over structures, such as climbing triangles, balance boards, obstacle planks, and wooden rockers. They get to move their bodies and practice their motor skills. It also provides a sensory environment. They can engage their senses during their play in a preschool indoor playground.




3. Preschool Indoor Playground Helps In Socializing


Preschool Indoor Playground


Socializing is an important part of society. Children will have to develop the skill to communicate with each other. A preschool indoor playground can allow children to interact and help each other of all ages.

As they play with each other, they would meet a situation where they have to collaborate with others or may even have to resolve conflicts among themselves. It will be a situation that they have to work their way through.

Through their situation, they will express themselves, listen to each other, experience more exposure to language, and learn to use it more effectively. A preschool indoor playground is ideal for them to improve their socializing.


4. Fun And Engaging In A Preschool Indoor Playground


Preschool Indoor Playground

Image Credit: Mygenius Kindergarten


Sometimes it can be hard to keep a child indoors, especially if they are hyperactive. They will need something to exhaust their energy. A preschool indoor playground can be a great option to keep children indoors and exhaust their energy.

You can be creative to create fun and engaging activities for children to enjoy their time indoors. Use sticky notes to give children clues to the next alphabet, pass obstacle paths, and much more.

Besides allowing children to be creative in an indoor playground, you can arrange furniture in different ways to play different games. It gives children an adventure that is fun and engaging without getting bored indoors.


5. Preschool Indoor Playground Helps In Developing Cognitive Skills


Preschool Indoor Playground


Learning is about more than just getting knowledge from the book. Playing can be part of developing cognitive skills. Research shows that physical activity has benefits such as muscular fitness, cardiovascular health, psychosocial health, and cognitive function. It can have an impact on decision-making behaviors.

Besides, the physical activity allows children to take a break from academics. It helps them to have better focus and attention after that. It can also span many aspects of the brain, offering benefits in certain areas, such as executive functioning, problem-solving, and on-task behaviors.

Executive functioning refers to how children learn to transition between tasks. It will also affect inhibitory control, such as impulsiveness, emotions, and aggression. Children must go through conflicts during play, where they must control themselves.

As we mentioned earlier, children will have conflicts when they play, and they will learn to solve their problems among themselves as they play.

Sometimes children don’t really know how to express themselves. They may be stressed, which you wouldn’t know. Through play, children will get to release their stress. It also allows them to take a brain break and move on to the next lesson. It is good, especially for children with attention issues, as it releases excess energy and builds executive functioning skills.

Here are some reasons you should add a preschool indoor playground. One benefit you shouldn’t miss is that it won’t affect by the weather. Whether sunny or rainy, children can play without affecting them much.


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